About Q Series

Discover the Q Series by Quality Espresso: Precision and Performance in Every Grind

For decades, espresso machines manufactured by Gaggia, Futurmat and Visacrem have positioned themselves in the market as models of high quality and reliability. They are acknowledged as leading brands, with high recognition in professional environments.

In 2001, both brands joined forces under the Quality Espresso banner and the company dedicated its R&D&I resources not only to the launch of new coffee machines, but also to the design and manufacture of grinders and accessories for espresso coffee making.

This new line of products, known as the Q SERIES, is the result of an intensive process of innovation, which began in 2013 with the launch of the Q10 grinder. The Q10 revolutionised the coffee market, by offering the best possible performance to date. It was the fastest grinder on the market and the first to offer three working modes - pre-grind, instant grind and manual grind - not to mention an intuitive touch screen and a USB port, which allowed users to set the parameters for the perfect grind, as well as install customised software and images.

The launch and the subsequent success of the Q10 coffee grinder was a major milestone that gave impetus to the Q SERIES brand, as well as further innovations designed to improve the performance of coffee businesses. Among these new products, the Q5 grinder stands out for its high performance to achieve the perfect grind. The modern design, the latest technology and its reliability make the Q5 grinder the perfect accessory to obtain the best aromas, nuances and flavours in every cup of coffee.

In addition to grinders, Q SERIES includes a line of accessories such as the QSTEAM, designed to prepare infusions and other hot drinks, including the emulsified combinations with fresh milk that are increasingly being demanded by customers. Then there’s QMILK, the stainless-steel thermos with an automatic bain-marie heating system that was created solely to achieve a perfectly balanced duet between milk and coffee.

Q SERIES is the result of bringing excellence to the smallest details in the process of making espresso coffee - and all its combinations - because grinding coffee instantly is the basis enjoying all the aromas and nuances of the perfect espresso.

Innovation continues to be the essence of the Q SERIES brand, as the launch in 2021 of the Espresso Link app, available for Android and iOS, demonstrates. Espresso Link allows you to control your coffee business from the palm of your hand using the Q10 Evo grinder. Espresso Link receives, via Bluetooth, all the information collected by the Q10 Evo grinders installed in each establishment, so that operators can measure consumption and work within the parameters necessary to improve the performance and profitability of each grinder.